913-647-0670 Free Consultation
Adam & McGrevey, P.A.
Making Complex Cases Look Easy

Hospital, Physician And Nursing Litigation

Few areas of law are more sophisticated than hospital, physician and nursing litigation. Legal acumen alone is not sufficient. A successful approach requires the combined efforts of strong litigators and medical experts.

Adam & McGrevey, P.A., is one of the region's leading litigation firms in this complex area of law. Our medical malpractice defense lawyers enjoy a long history of success handling high-stakes litigation. Based in the Overland Park area, we provide litigation defense services for hospitals, physicians and nursing staff across Kansas and Missouri.

Our Attorneys Have The Skills And Resources Necessary For Success

At Adam & McGrevey, P.A., we have worked with some of the nation's largest insurance companies — and their insureds — to defend against multimillion-dollar claims.

Our attorneys' vast experience spans a broad range of medical negligence cases, including:

  • Surgical errors
  • Medication errors
  • OB-GYN malpractice
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Negligent hiring
  • Inadequate training

Developing Efficient And Cost-Effective Strategies To Protect Clients' Interests

As seasoned trial lawyers, we understand how to prepare strong litigation strategies. We excel at translating complex legal and medical concepts into terms that are understandable — and compelling — to the average jury.

By partnering with trusted medical experts, we work quickly and efficiently to identify the core issues at stake. We are proactive in seizing opportunities for early resolution when appropriate. At the same time, however, we always prepare to take the case to trial. Our goal is to protect clients' interests in the most thorough and cost-effective manner possible.

Reach us online or call us at 913-647-0670 for additional information about how we can help you navigate your medical malpractice case.

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